# What is propolis?

propolis is a tool that checks the files of FLAC releases. The objective is to automatically check as many rules as possible, without knowing anything about the release itself. For example, it will not check that the album title is correct, or correctly spelled, but it will check that it is both in the folder name and the Vorbis tags.

It can be used:

  • Before uploading, to make sure the files seem to follow the uploading rules and a few good practices.
  • After downloading, to check for trumpable releases.


  • This tool is a guide, not an authority on what is and is not correct.
  • Some rules have exceptions. The files you are checking may or may not fit those exceptions. propolis cannot know.
  • Some rules are only partially checked, some are checked together.

Color Code:

  • Blue: check OK or neutral remark
  • Yellow: Warning, or good practice not found
  • Red: Denotes a serious problem

# Disclaimer

  • Since propolis has no colors on Windows, making it much harder to spot errors, it's highly recommended to set-up WSL2 and use that to run propolis.
  • This guide will focus on installing propolis in Ubuntu in WSL2 which hopefully means you can follow this guide to install it on bare-metal Linux as well.

# Dependencies

  • Before installing propolis, we need to install sox and flac with the following commands in your terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt -y install sox flac

# Installation

  1. In the list of pipelines, click on the download icon to the right of the topmost pipeline.
  2. Download the compiled release by clicking the button underneath Download artifacts.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive into a new folder. For the sake of this guide, I'll be extracting it to /mnt/d/propolis-v0.5.5
  4. Run ./propolis in the directory you extracted propolis into and it should look like this: ./propolis This means that you have successfully installed propolis.

# Adding propolis to PATH

It's inconvenient to navigate to /mnt/d/propolis-v0.5.5 every time you want to use propolis so we will add it as a PATH environment variable with the following commands:

echo 'export PATH="/path/to/propolis-v0.5.5:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

If you did everything correctly, propolis is now installed and added to path. You can test this by running propolis from anywhere else. For example:
